Dry Hydrotherapy Vs. Traditional Hydrotherapy: Which Is Right for You?

Hydrotherapy refers to the use of water as a form of therapy. It can help treat various conditions, such as joint pain and other skin issues. Chiropractors and physical therapists can use hydrotherapy to treat chronic issues. Some of these include arthritis and fibromyalgia.

There are different types of hydrotherapy. They involve using exercises to reduce muscle stress. They also ease physical and mental symptoms. Learn more about dry hydrotherapy vs. traditional hydrotherapy and which is right for you.

Dry Hydrotherapy

Dry hydrotherapy, or hydromassage, is a treatment that involves the use of pressurized, heated water in a contained device. The patient lies on a special bed or chair and remains dry and clothed during the procedure.

The waterproof device has rotating and pulsating jets. These help to alleviate pain and increase blood circulation. The technique also helps to improve the range of motion, reducing the need for other treatments.

Traditional Hydrotherapy

Traditional or wet hydrotherapy uses cold or hot water, with the flow and pressure varying based on the treatment. Low-impact exercises can help treat mental and physical symptoms.

Therapy equipment or locations include:

  • Swimming pools

  • Physical therapy tanks

  • Hot tubs

  • Whirlpool spas

  • Baths

  • Showers

Patients can perform the therapy at home or in specialized locations. The procedure depends on the goal of the treatment.

Dry Hydrotherapy vs. Traditional Hydrotherapy

Traditional hydrotherapy mainly depends on water pressure and temperature. These produce the desired results. The treatment produces limited results for chronic conditions. Doctors use it alongside other procedures.

Manufacturers claim that hydromassage tables have some physiological effects from the massage and radiant heat. The effects are antispasmodic, analgesic, sedative, and decongestive. It reduces pain, increases relaxation, and reduces spasms, tenderness, and spasticity. Dry hydrotherapy helps boost the local blood supply.

Benefits of Dry Hydrotherapy

There are several benefits to dry hydrotherapy:

  • Alleviating pain

  • Improving range of motion

  • Increasing blood circulation

  • Increasing lymphatic drainage

  • Reducing swelling

  • Providing deep relaxation

  • Reducing stress and anxiety

  • Reducing muscle atrophy

Dry hydrotherapy combines the benefits of massage, soft tissue manipulation, and wet hydrotherapy. It also has benefits related to heat therapy and acupressure.

Which Therapy Is Right for you?

Depending on your health condition, your healthcare provider will recommend the best treatment. You can benefit from hydrotherapy if you suffer from chronic pain or muscular tension.

Dry hydrotherapy is convenient and does not involve getting wet. You simply lie on a special table while fully dressed. Depending on your condition or treatment goals, a session can last seven to 17 minutes. Like traditional hydrotherapy, dry hydrotherapy helps reduce pain. It also helps to alleviate muscle stress and tension.

Athletes can enjoy hydrotherapy to recover from workouts. Hydrotherapy also helps ease the pain and aches associated with pregnancy. Alternative health practitioners recommend hydrotherapy for their patients. Specialists often use the therapy as a complement to standard treatments. It is suitable for people with fibromyalgia and arthritis. Those suffering from neuropathy and Parkinson’s disease will also benefit from this treatment.

For more on dry hydrotherapy vs. traditional hydrotherapy, visit Garmone Chiropractic. Our office is in Depew, New York. Call (716) 668-5400 to book an appointment today.

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