What Are the Benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Training?

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a treatment that involves the use of pure oxygen to speed up healing. Breathing the oxygen can help treat conditions ranging from decompression sickness and carbon monoxide poisoning to severe infections. 


The therapy aims to increase the oxygen in the blood, which helps repair tissues. Oxygen therapy is not for everyone, but many athletes can benefit from the treatment. It can help restore body function after injury, making it ideal for athletes. Here are the benefits of hyperbaric oxygen training. 



Improving Stress Recovery 



Training, practice, and regular competitions can stress the athlete’s body. Recovery is essential to an athlete’s training as it allows the body to recover. Individuals who participate in strenuous activities know that allowing the body to rest after workouts is vital for recovery. 

Failing to recover can increase the risk of getting injured. Stress recovery goes beyond taking time off to rest. HBOT is an active recovery therapy that is safe and effective. 



Treating and Healing Injuries 



Every athlete has had to deal with an injury at one time or another, especially those involved in contact sports. Injuries can take the athlete out of action for a long time. They can affect the athlete’s ability to perform at an optimum level. Recovering from injuries usually involves plenty of rest. 


Studies show that recovery of the injured tissues can be enhanced by using HBOT. Allowing oxygen to penetrate deep into the blood can help improve circulation and healing. The therapy can ensure fast recovery for athletes sidelined by injury.



Treating Concussions and TBI



Many athletes involved in contact sports have experienced concussions or TBIs (traumatic brain injuries). The athletes who suffer these injuries can benefit from hyperbaric oxygen training. Those who have taken part in studies report the effectiveness of the treatment. 


The oxygen-rich environment and increased pressure allow the body to heal itself and can reduce nausea, fatigue, and pain. These are common symptoms of concussion and TBI. 



Enhancing Athletic Performance



HBOT can help boost an athlete’s performance. Long-distance runners and endurance athletes can benefit from an increase in the production of red cells. The ability of the blood to carry more oxygen is the reason they choose to train in high altitudes. 


HBOT treatments help produce similar results, improving performance by increasing oxygenation and circulation. Boosting performance gives the individual a competitive edge. 



Treating Compartment Syndrome



Compartment syndrome is a condition that affects many long-distance runners, but it can also affect joggers and recreational runners. The rare but painful condition can be hazardous for athletes. It is caused by internal pressure from bleeding or swollen tissue. Experts believe that the high-oxygen HBOT environment can effectively prevent the condition. 


Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has other benefits, including increasing an individual’s mental focus. Athletes require more than skill and physical strength to compete. Mental focus and clarity help improve performance. The therapy helps improve mental focus and can reduce brain fog. Athletes looking to perform at an optimum level can benefit from oxygen therapy. 


For more on the benefits of hyperbaric oxygen training, visit Garmone Chiropractic at our Depew, New York office. Call (716) 668-5400 today to schedule an appointment.

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