What Is the Difference Between Ultrasound and Shockwave Therapy?

Healthcare has advanced with ultrasound and shock wave therapies. Many think the two types of treatments are similar and thus tend to interchange them. However, the two have differences.


Treatment by each depends on your medical condition and treatment goal. Ideally, work with your specialist to determine the best option for your situation. There are cases where you may need both treatments. Read on to understand the two types of therapies and their differences.


What Is Ultrasound Therapy?


Ultrasound therapy detects and treats problems that cause pain, tissue injuries, and muscle spasms. It is different from checking fetal development when a woman is pregnant. However, the technology is similar as it diagnoses and treats using imaging.


Ultrasound therapy works by using a wand to send waves through the skin. The waves reach parts of your body, such as muscle and tissue. It targets tissues without harming the surrounding spots.


Ultrasound therapy consists of two kinds:


  •  Thermal ultrasound - Uses vibration and heat to treat musculoskeletal issues and pain.

  • Mechanical ultrasound - Creates an effect similar to convectional shockwave therapy. It causes pressure in the tissue fluids, creating bubbles that break and generate shockwaves.


Ultrasound Therapy Benefits


Ultrasound therapy is precise and accurately targets parts of the body. You may not need painkillers or numbing medication since it is a painless process. You can remain awake throughout the therapy.


You can use ultrasound therapy to treat pain associated with other medical conditions or injuries. It eases muscle tightness and spasms. Ultrasound therapy also treats musculoskeletal pain that occurs due to tissue damage. The treatment also relieves the pain that develops from prolonged and repetitive movements.


Ultrasound therapy emits waves that promote blood flow to ease inflammation and swelling. As a result, it promotes recovery and reduces pain. You can also get a full range of motion due to the micro-tears that result from the vibrations to break down your scar tissue. 


Your lymphatic system gets more effective when the treatment targets tissue fluids. Your immunity gets boosted due to the increase in the production of white blood cells.


What Is Shockwave Therapy?


Shock wave therapy is wave energy used to repair and restore tissues, tendons, and bones. It helps restore mobility and relieves pain as a physical therapy treatment. It also helps repair tissue and encourages cell growth after getting an injury. 


Shockwave Therapy Benefits


Shockwave therapy helps control and slow chronic inflammation. It increases mast cell production to respond to the inflammation. It is ideal for promoting recovery from an injury.


The formation of new blood vessels promotes the flow of healthy nutrients in your blood and optimum circulation. The therapy also boosts collagen production for the health and repair of your tissues, bones, ligaments, and muscles.


Shockwave therapy effectively treats and controls pain. It breaks up the waste products in your muscles that cause pain and tightness.


The Difference Between Ultrasound and Shockwave Therapy


Understanding the difference between the two treatment methods helps you decide what suits your needs best. Ultrasound uses a technology that emits consistent wave patterns with short-time phases. Shock wave therapy uses single pulses of pressure. It usually works on isolated body locations.


For more on ultrasound and shockwave therapy or to book a visit, call Garmone Chiropractic at (716) 668-5400 to reach our office in Depew, New York.

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