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How Does a Chiropractic Adjustment Help Back Pain?

Back pain can be debilitating. Studies show that 85 percent of people get back pain that causes them to seek medical help. The most effective treatment method for relieving such pain is a chiropractic adjustment. Read on to find out how it helps.

What Is the Difference Between Ultrasound and Shockwave Therapy?

Healthcare has advanced with ultrasound and shock wave therapies. Many think the two types of treatments are similar and thus tend to interchange them. However, the two have differences. Treatment by each depends on your medical condition and treatment goal. Ideally, work with your specialist to determine the best option for your situation.

What Is Chiropractic Hydrotherapy?

Chiropractic hydrotherapy is one way to relieve your pain without surgery or medication. It is a complementary medicine that uses water to exert pressure on muscles, joints, and soft tissues to allow your body to heal itself.

How Often Should a Person Get Adjusted by a Chiropractor?

Millions of people in the United States rely on chiropractic care every year to get relief and maintain optimum health. Even those who have never seen a chiropractor understand the concept. However, you may receive chiropractic adjustment but still do not know how often you need the treatment. Below are a few basics about adjustments to help you understand what you ought to do.  

Benefits of Dry Hydrotherapy

You may be familiar with the benefits of whirlpool and massage therapy. It is especially true if you suffer from muscular strain, fatigue, or back pain. However, you might not be familiar with the benefits of hydrotherapy.

Is It Good to See a Chiropractor Regularly?

Chiropractors are great, and they help improve people’s lives every day. Currently, there are over 70,000 licensed chiropractors in America, and the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) expects the number to increase over the next five years.

What to Expect During a Spinal Decompression Treatment

Spinal decompression treatment involves the gentle mechanical stretching of your spine. It results in a change of force and the position of the spine. The change of force and position of the spine relieves pressure from the discs and nerves. It also stimulates blood flow and promotes good health.

What Is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Used to Treat?

Also known as hyperbaric chamber therapy or HBOT, this is a form of treatment meant to boost the body’s natural ability to heal. It involves breathing almost pure oxygen to treat a wide range of conditions, including driving-related illnesses.

Am I a Candidate for Shockwave Therapy?

Shockwave therapy is also known as extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT). Others also refer to it as extracorporeal pulse activation treatment (EPAT). It is a treatment that deals with acute and chronic pain. This FDA-approved treatment involves the use of a device that delivers pressure waves to stimulate blood flow and reduce scar tissue. This helps speed up the healing process, eliminate or reduce pain, and restore function. 

Ice Not Heat

The number one mistake I hear from a new patient is that they are using heat on their injury. Whether their doctor told them, the ER or some old wise tale about first 48 hours ice and then use heat. Bottom line if you use the word pain, pain is caused from inflammation and therefore

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